However, KRunner was working fine so I fired up Konsole and entered super user mode with the following command.
suAfter that I started investigating with the following commands.
df -hThe DVD was obviously mounted. So, I tried to unmount it using the following command.
ps aux
umount -v /media/Digit-April09DVDThe message told me that the device is busy. So, I checked the output of ps command keenly to locate what could be keeping the device busy. I found some kaffeine instances:
phoenix 6015 2.7 4.6 518808 47192 ? Sl 18:24 0:40 /opt/kde3/bin/kaffeine /media/Digit-April09DVD/Entertainment/Videos/ComputerGames/Computer1984_4_256kb.mp4So, I promptly killed them and then ejected the DVD manually.
phoenix 6032 0.0 1.4 144980 14856 ? S 18:25 0:00 /opt/kde3/bin/kaffeine /media/Digit-April09DVD/Gaming/Game_Trailers/bioshock2/bioshock2_excl_debuttsr_gt.mov
phoenix 6033 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 18:25 0:00 [kaffeine]
phoenix 6076 0.0 1.4 144980 14856 ? S 18:32 0:00 /opt/kde3/bin/kaffeine /media/Digit-April09DVD/Gaming/Game_Trailers/bioshock2/bioshock2_excl_debuttsr_gt.mov
phoenix 6077 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 18:32 0:00 [kaffeine]
phoenix 6080 0.0 1.4 144980 14840 ? S 18:33 0:00 /opt/kde3/bin/kaffeine /media/Digit-April09DVD/Gaming/Game_Trailers/bioshock2/bioshock2_excl_debuttsr_gt.mov
phoenix 6081 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 18:33 0:00 [kaffeine]